Let me teach you how to access the right mind where divine guidance is granted.

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Divine Guidance with Tash$250

It was the late 1990s and I was being schooled in the correct way to connect with God. You see, ever since I was a little girl, I was aware of two minds. The wrong mind (with my awareness in the brain) and the right mind (with my thinking in the lower gut). You must seek to make the move from the wrong mind to the right, for the right mind is still at One with God.

Yes, from the right mind true divinity reside. As this mind of completion and not competition knows being not body. Seek first to remove the barriers to the awareness of Perfect Love within, as you purify what you think from fear to love, separate to the same, and dark to light. This is the miracle. The return to truth, trust & totality. From the right mind you will not be lost, alone, destroyed, abandoned, or even deceived.

This is the way within that leads without. Waking to the Self that is whole, holy & happy.

In this 1:1 session via video conferencing, I will teach you the true way to forgive within that has been granted by God. I will also offer some divine guidance, if this is granted. However, if you are seeking a medical diagnosis, please see a doctor. As Truforgiveness Therapy is a complementary therapy that will assist mainstream medicine.

Come with an open-mind, for this true healing does have the power to change your life. If you be willing to follow God's true FAITH via The Treasure Map of Truforgiveness. 

* Please ONLY PURCHASE one session. If there is to be a follow-up then this will be discussed in the online meet up.

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  • 1xDivine Guidance with Tash$250

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What is Within:

This purchase includes a 45 minute online session with Tash McKenna. At a date & time to be arranged that is mutually beneficially to both. 

The session is private, and must be completed by the one that purchases the offer. This means you cannot purchase for someone else.

Each session will be different, based upon the divine guidance that is granted. However, in each session you will be taught how to 'forgive within' with FAITH. And be given ideas as to what you need to clean within to become unchained from fear to find love.

A chance to ask me some questions.

Please Note:

This session is not to replace your medical diagnosis. For it is a complementary therapy that is set to assist mainstream medicine, not to remove it.

If you are unwell, please see a doctor, or reach out to someone you can trust. For this is not a wrong-minded psychological session.

There will be no recounting stories of the separate self. Instead, it is a chance to learn from me how you correctly forgive within. To change your mind from wrong to right. I will assist to teach you the way that I was taught by God. For the right mind, to where The Treasure Map takes you, leads too your true teacher within.

The more you 'forgive within' the greater the light you uncover. Yes, you will start to have psychic experiences. But you must go at a pace you can manage, so the journey from separate to the same does not induce more fear.

You are responsible for taking care of yourself. There is no blame. As God once told me. "Do not be a victim." What did He mean? I had just taken a bad bad fall on some wet tiles at a hotel. In fact, I could not move for the remainder of the day, or the night. I was tucked up in bed with icepacks over my wounds. I was eventually well, with some heavy bruising and battering. Many around me pointed the finger. "They are to blame." I even had moments like this, as I was convalescing in bed. But, I did not break my neck or my back. This was fortunate. I was also being taught to take responsibility for myself. It is this I seek to teach you as well.

Important Information:

  • What Happens Next
    You will be taken to a thank you page that will detail what happens next.

    I will get in touch with you via email (within 48-hours) and discuss a suitable time where we can connect online. We may not be in the same time zone, so please be flexible with appointment bookings.

    If we are meant to connect, we will. If we are not, then most likely the booking will not go ahead.
  • Right to Refuse
    Sometimes I am guided to not work with people. And if God will not connect with me, then I will be unable to meet your need. For I am totally reliant upon Him.

    If your purchase gets cancelled, do not judge this. Perhaps the session is not right for you at this time. Or for me. You must continue to truly forgive it with FAITH. For I do not decide whom I connect with and when, God does.

    Remember, if I cancel the booking there is a spiritual reason. You must trust this, as I must as well.
  • Disclaimer
    I am not a doctor, and in no way should this session be used in such a manner. Please be normal about things. If you need medication then take it. As I would do the same. If you have an illness, get in touch with your medical practitioner. For you are still in time. However, you must stop blaming others. For blame is the outward projection of an inward condition. And I have the perfect example.

    I continued to warn someone that if they did not stop doing something then something bad would happen. I tried to manage this for the best part of a year. Then the unthinkable happened. My best friend died. Of course, I was filled with rage. And blame at times. Yet, after a period of time I discovered the true cause. If I had not of left God to seem to play god myself in time, then I could not be pained or punished.

    The true cause of your concern is always some aspect of the belief you are sinful of separating and thus hurting & harming yourself. It is time to unite in the right mind as we clean up the mess to make miracles our own.

    And as I moved through the above lesson I continued to hear God. "Do not seek revenge," and it was difficult at times. But as I passed through the darkness within - the hidden hate & secret in - I became released from suffering. For I opened the door to the right mind, where God is.

    You must choose between revenge and freedom. Knowing you cannot have both, for they belong to opposing thought systems.

    Thus, if you do take up this 1:1 session, you must withdraw all blame. You must take responsibility for your life, your decisions and the outcomes.
